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Pattern Matching

When dealing with custom types, you likely want to do different things based on the actual value of the custom type. The case of expression provides this flexibility.

explainHeldItem : Maybe String -> String
explainHeldItem maybeItem =
case maybeItem of
Nothing ->
"You're not holding anything"
Just item ->
"You're holding a " ++ item
holdingSword : String
holdingSword =
explainHeldItem (Just "Sword")

You can use pattern matching on other things than just custom types. Like integers:

isZero : Int -> Bool
isZero num =
case num of
0 -> True
_ -> False

Or even records:

combineIngredients : QuantifiedIngredient -> QuantifiedIngredient -> QuantifiedIngredient
combineIngredients left right =
case { leftQty = left.quantity, rightQty = right.quantity } of
{ leftQty = 0 } ->
{ rightQty = 0 } ->
_ ->
{ ingredient = left.ingredient ++ " and " ++ right.ingredient
, quantity = left.quantity + right.quantity