Hello, world!
Getting a simple program to compile is a good way to verify that you’ve got everything set up correctly. Let’s try to write a Gren program that outputs “Hello, world!” when opened up in a browser.
If you haven’t already: install Gren.
Once you’ve set up the compiler correctly, it’s time to initialize our project. We’re going to assume that you’ve got a bash terminal set up.
Setting up your project
Start by creating a hello_world
directory, and cd
into it.
Every Gren project has a gren.json
file. This file contains all the information that the compiler needs to compile your program. You can create such a file by running gren init
~/W/g/hello_world> gren initHello! Gren projects always start with an gren.json file. I can create them!
Would you like me to create an gren.json file now? [Y/n]:Retrieving versions for gren-lang/core... Ok!Retrieving versions for gren-lang/browser... Ok!Okay, I created it.
When run without any arguments, gren init
creates a gren.json
file in the current directory that defines a browser application. You can read more about the gren.json
file in the appendix.
Writing your program
Create a src/Main.gren
file and fill it with the following content:
module Main exposing (main)
import Html
main = Html.text "Hello, world!"
We create a new module, called Main
and expose the main
constant from it.
Then, we import the Html
module. This module contains functions that allows us to define HTML elements. You can see everything that this module contains by reading its documentation.
In our case, we just want to display some text. The text
function is perfect for that. Our main constant, then, contains the value returned by Html.text "Hello, world!"
When this Gren program is run in a browser, whatever is returned by the main
function is displayed on the page.
Compile your program using gren make src/Main.gren
. This will produce a index.html
file in your working directory which, when opened, displays Hello, world!
You can now experiment by returning different HTML values from main. Compile and refresh the page to see what happens.