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Destructuring is a way to extract nested data from values.

In the pattern matching section you destructured a custom type with case/of:

type User
= User String
welcome : User -> String
welcome user =
case user of
User name ->
"Welcome, " ++ name

Since this custom type only has one variant, you can also destructure it with let/in:

welcome : User -> String
welcome user =
(User name) = user
"Welcome, " ++ name

Or even directly in your function arguments:

welcome : User -> String
welcome (User user) =
"Welcome, " ++ name

You can use destructring to get data from other types of values as well.

Destructuring Records

When destructuring records, you only have to specify the fields you care about:

type alias Item =
{ id : Int
, name : String
, count : Int
inStock : Item -> String
inStock item =
{ name = itemName, count = itemCount } = item
if itemCount > 0 then
itemName ++ " is in stock"
itemName ++ " is out of stock"

If you want to use the same name as a record field, you can use a syntax similar to javascript:

inStock : Item -> String
inStock item =
{ name, count } = item
if count > 0 then
name ++ " is in stock"
name ++ " is out of stock"

You can give your destructured data an alias with the as keyword:

inStock : Item -> String
inStock item =
({ name, count } as myItem) = item
if myItem.count > 0 then ++ " is in stock"
else ++ " is out of stock"

All of these techniques also work with function arguments and case/of expressions.

Destructuring Arrays

You can destructure arrays as well:

run : Array String -> String
run args =
case args of
[] ->
"No arguments provided."
[ "greet", name ] ->
"Hello, " ++ name ++ "!"
[ "flip", first, second ] ->
second ++ first
_ ->
"Unrecognized arguments."

There is no way to match things like “all the remaining elements” of an array, but you can use Array functions to achieve similar results.

command = Array.takeFirst 1 myArray
options = Array.dropFirst 1 myArray
case command of
[ "greet" ] ->
greet options
[ "flip" ] ->
flip options
_ ->
"Unrecognized arguments."