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There are two types of numbers in Gren: integers and floating point.

Integers have the type Int and represent a whole number:

myInt : Int
myInt =

Floating point numbers have the type Float and are an approximation of a fractional number:

myFloat : Float
myFloat =

Gren also has a special number type that can represent both. You may have seen it in the repl:

Terminal window
> gren repl
---- Gren 0.5.0 -----------------------------------------------------------------
Say :help for help and :exit to exit!
> 123
123 : number

You can use this for type signatures where it doesn’t matter if something is an Int or a Float:

double : number -> number
double n =
n * 2


You can perfrom basic math operations on numbers using the typical operators:

Terminal window
> 1 + 2
3 : number
> 2 - 1
1 : number
> 2 * 3
6 : number
> 6 / 2
3 : Float

Notice that the division operator returns floats:

Terminal window
> 6 / 4
1.5 : Float

You can perform integer division with //:

Terminal window
> 6 // 4
1 : Int

For exponentation, use ^:

Terminal window
> 3 ^ 2
9 : number

For other math operations, see the Math module documentation.